The arts and culture magazine KudosAZ, featuring events in high desert towns such as Sedona, Cottonwood, Clarkdale, Jerome, and the Verde Valley, presents a 2-page cover story highlighting Mountain Trails Gallery Sedona's exhibition “Traditional & Contemporary Sculpture” as a part of the gallery's summer celebration of their award-winning artists. The show highlights the creators of both traditional storytelling sculpture as well as contemporary approaches in a variety of subjects. The magazine's colorful cover features a close-up of Jeremy Bradshaw's sleeping red fox, perfectly titled Red Repose. This remarkable contemporary sculptor creates "his own style of wildlife personalities by calling forth the essence of the story with simplified shapes and vibrant patina colors.
Bradshaw’s striking red fox series continues to bring wonder as the artist uses its fluffy tail not only as a compositional element but also to emphasize its importance in keeping warm, and it is also used as an integral part of the fox’s communication that conveys crucial messages. The newly released Red Repose, which is the perfect statement of comfort, is curled up in a tight ball, eyes tightly closed, with his elegant tail covering its extremities. This elegant fox follows in the footsteps of Bradshaw’s outstretched Red’s Reach as well as his Fox Trot with its prancing, dancing and jumping antics that is sure to bring a smile. And, last but not least, his Red Queen holds court as the vixen brings magnetism to the exhibition."... Click here for the latest KudosAZ edition (7/5-7/11/23)
IMAGE: Red Repose detail, limited edition bronze, 10"H x 18"W x 16"D by Jeremy Bradshaw available at Mountain Trails Gallery Sedona