Thank you to the remarkable Red Rock News and the Larson Family for covering the Arts in Sedona and for showcasing Mountain Trails Gallery's June exhibition of Western Women Artists "Doing What They Do Best." Some highlights include: "From figurative storytellers, to action-packed wildlife artists, to sensitive Native American painters and sculptors, to metal artists, these women love the West as their passionate point of view adds exuberance and a wholehearted intelligence to all their work. Whether conveying their experiences in a traditional style or a more contemporary mode, it is always festive to see what these remarkable artists are presenting."
An important influence in Sedona, the Red Rock News co-founder Loretta M. Larson regularly participated with the "Gang of Eight" women who met to discuss issues facing Sedona!
"Warcloud, Ful Circle" by Vicki Catapano, 24 x 30 oil available at Mountain Trails Gallery Sedona